About our membership scheme
Friends of Garden Masterclass
We offer a range of privileges to our most regular and loyal customers and viewers. However, because we are based in England, and our audience are global, we are offering two levels, one for online and one for online + live in-person events. We are now offering a 50% discount on recorded webinars, and 30% on recordings of our in-person workshops - this latter a boon if you don’t live in the British Isles or can’t get to a physical event. We offer discounts on our live events too - 10% on webinars and 5% on in-person events.
And, we now have student membership! Email here for more information.
If you don’t want to join, you can just sign up for free for our monthly newsletter.
Online membership
Online membership is £24 per year and entitles you to:
a discount of 10% on webinars
a discount of 50% on past webinars, 30% on workshop recordings available on Vimeo
free access to premium content from our public recordings – these are the most popular of the videos we have recorded over the last year, and which were initially available on You Tube: including: a tour of Dan Pearson’s garden, insights from Fergus Garrett into Great Dixter’s unique planting style, an interview with James Golden (he of Federal Twist), a trip around Noel’s five favourite gardens, a privileged tour around Monique and Thierry Dronet’s atmospheric garden in Alsace ….. and around sixty more!
discounts on goods from selected retailers: Niwaki tools, Filbert Books, Genus Gardenwear, Phaidon Garden books, Burgon and Ball tools, Plant World Seeds, with more to come.
a 20% discount on membership of Pacific Horticulture, one of the world’s great garden organisations.
the chance to participate in occasional online events
privileged access to all podcasts including our members’ Substack channel
Noel’s gardening soap opera - Planted! - five episodes available and more to come.
Online plus membership
Online plus membership is £36 per year and entitles you to all the above, plus:
early booking for selected live in-person events, mostly in the UK, and Ireland, but occasionally in France, Germany, Netherlands and Spain.
the opportunity to attend physical member only events, which may be workshops, or special events with our tutors
Student membership
Open to full-time or part-time students, apprentices and trainees. Online membership as above (i.e. £24) and 50% off all events, webinars, recordings. Please send evidence of status to us at: gardenmasterclass@gmail.com
Membership Terms and Conditions
Subscriptions renew automatically on the anniversary of joining, unless you cancel via the Memberscape portal accessible at the lower right corner of the home page.
Refunds on membership and membership supplements (i.e. online + membership) can be made, subject to a 20% administration deduction.
Banner image: Sarah Price at a workshop at London’s Horniman Museum, October 2021