Tom, a Dutch designer who is very much Piet Oudolf's protegé; since 2022 he has been making a new garden in the countryside.
“The landscape was completely hidden by tall hedges and butchered trees and there was an eyesore-causing dilapidated pool as well” he reports; now all is transformed and he promises that “I talk about the process of building this garden, how to make the most of its location and vistas and take a close look at the planting design.
Rental for 30 days is, mostly, $15, £12 or €13 approx) through the Vimeo on Demand service. This requires that you sign up to Vimeo, but this is an absolutely minimal inconvenience (and they won’t bother you with marketing). Video length is usually around an hour.
In the context of an urbanizing and warming world, the loss of ecosystems and species extinction are pressing concerns. To address these issues, it's crucial to explore the potential of evolving urban habitats. Claudia explores how urban habitats can be enhanced through more autonomous planting technologies that integrate restoration strategies. She demonstrates how aligning site conditions, plant palettes, and appropriate management can lead to more robust and maintainable planting. Several successful projects by her firm, Phyto Studio, illustrate how these approaches not only enrich ecosystems but also enhance human lives.
Claudia West wrote Planting for a Post-Wild World with Thomas Rainer.
Rental for 30 days is, mostly, $15, £12 or €13 approx) through the Vimeo on Demand service. This requires that you sign up to Vimeo, but this is an absolutely minimal inconvenience (and they won’t bother you with marketing). Video length is usually around an hour.
A comprehensive overview of Clematis and how to care for them, particularly pruning regimes.
Cassian explains the ecological and aesthetic potential of dry habitat plant communities and their potential in urban environments and gardens.
Shade is a complex multi-faceted garden phenomenon.
Matt is Head of Horticulture at London Royal Parks, and was formerly Curator of RHS Wisley.
“This talk is rooted in both my own uncomfortable professional position and the problems I see all around me in designed landscapes. I think design is really important, I work as a planting designer, I have taught landscape architecture students design for many years but, I think design is given too much weight in landscape development, and management too little. Or, at the very least, we invest too little in management. I am not sure there can be more sustainable landscapes without addressing this conundrum?”
Rental for 30 days is, mostly, $15, £12 or €13 approx) through the Vimeo on Demand service. This requires that you sign up to Vimeo, but this is an absolutely minimal inconvenience (and they won’t bother you with marketing). Video length is usually around an hour.
Euphorbia is a much loved genus amongst gardeners and designers.
Till talks about gardening in Lower Franconia in southern Germany under increasingly extreme conditions.
Emily is a researcher in the US who studies pollinators and the flowers they feed on
Jack Aldridge, who manages Oakwood, the historic William Robinson inspired heart of RHS Wisley
Julia Crawford has written the first book in English on the work of Mien Ruys
Rebecca McMackin is one of the leading, and most articulate US voices for biodiversity in the garden. She established her reputation by managing Brooklyn Bridge Park for ten years from its foundation, working to develop as a biodiversity hub and pursuing ethical employment practices. Here she talks in detail about how she designs and manages for plantings that put biodiversity first. There's plenty of of good detail to learn from, wherever you are in the world.
Rental for 30 days is, mostly, $15, £12 or €13 approx) through the Vimeo on Demand service. This requires that you sign up to Vimeo, but this is an absolutely minimal inconvenience (and they won’t bother you with marketing). Video length is usually around an hour.
Salvias are one of the most popular garden genera. We have invited one of Europe's leading growers of them to talk to us about this extremely varied genus. And although he'll mention some of the more exotic South American ones, with their vivid colours, the emphasis is more on the many hardy species, many of which are also very drought tolerant.
Rental for 30 days is, mostly, $15, £12 or €13 approx) through the Vimeo on Demand service. This requires that you sign up to Vimeo, but this is an absolutely minimal inconvenience (and they won’t bother you with marketing). Video length is usually around an hour.
Growing up near the forest was Chanticleer gardener Przemek Walczak's primer to plant communities thriving in woodland conditions. Here he talks about some favourite plants, plant combinations, and some of the management practices used here, particularly as they affect biodiversity. He goes on to look at the problems created by invasive species in woodland, at the challenges of moss gardening, and his experimentation with a variety of hügelculture to enhance the habitat for woodland plants.
Rental for 30 days is, mostly, $15, £12 or €13 approx) through the Vimeo on Demand service. This requires that you sign up to Vimeo, but this is an absolutely minimal inconvenience (and they won’t bother you with marketing). Video length is usually around an hour.
Ben, a planting designer in eastern Canada talks about trials he has run growing perennials (mostly natives) in deep mineral mulches, using either gravel or crushed concrete. His results support the work of others in this field, who claim many benefits: reduced weeding, manageable plant growth and greater biodiversity. CEO of major Atlantic region perennial producer North Creek, Steve Castorani, joins at the beginning to briefly outline his research in this area too.
Rental for 30 days is, mostly, $15, £12 or €13 approx) through the Vimeo on Demand service. This requires that you sign up to Vimeo, but this is an absolutely minimal inconvenience (and they won’t bother you with marketing). Video length is usually around an hour.
Multi-stem trees have been making a big impact of late. New Wood is an small tree nursery situated in the South Devon countryside, established in 2008 to supply the UK market with British grown trees, specialising in field grown multi-stems, growing over 100 different tree varieties, supplying to garden designers all over the UK, and often featuring in winning entries at Chelsea. Philip Nieuwoudt discusses the advantages of multi-stems and their production.
Rental for 30 days is, mostly, $15, £12 or €13 approx) through the Vimeo on Demand service. This requires that you sign up to Vimeo, but this is an absolutely minimal inconvenience (and they won’t bother you with marketing). Video length is usually around an hour.
Darryl Moore, Director of Cityscapes will explore how to develop creative approaches towards greening the city.
Ben introduces the summer season by sharing his take on the classic 'Summer pot'.
Part of a seasonal series based on the wonderful gardens of Chanticleer.
The Midwest's leading perennial grower shares a lifetime of experience in using perennials.
Sue Milliken and Kelly Dodson of Far Reaches Farm and Far Reaches Botanical Conservancy in Port Townsend,
Sue Milliken and Kelly Dodson of Far Reaches Farm and Far Reaches Botanical Conservancy in Port Townsend, Washington USA, share their passion for choice shade perennials.
Claire Greenslade (Head Gardener) and Tim Martin (creative director) of Hestercombe Garden look at the crossover between art and landscape.
C.hris gives us another one of his insights into this most remarkable of gardens
An experienced landscape architect who has worked in many challenging situations takes us on a detailed look at how to plan coastal gardens.
A look at some of the delicious, beautiful and unbuyable herbs that brighten the garden and improve everything in the kitchen.
Winter - A season for 'Putting the Garden to Bed'? Not at all, winter is a season for doing and for enjoying.
Noel looks at the spontaneous vegetation that crops up in our gardens and plantings.
Julie Moir Messervy has always sought to create landscapes that resonate with beauty.
Shade tolerance, lush foliage and unusual textures drew Richie Steffen, co-author and co-photographer of the Plant Lovers Guide to Ferns.
For horticulturist and Head Gardener Benjamin Pope, the biggest joy of gardening comes with the changing of the seasons and passing of time.
Troy Scott-Smith, head gardener at Iford Manor was previously the head gardener at Sissinghurst Castle, the home of Vita Sackville-West
Annie explores how garden designers can increase the creativity in their working practice.
Troy discusses the basics of pot selection, compost and placement of pots and containers in the garden for best effect through to combining plants for maximum impact. Aftercare such as dead heading, staking, feeding, successional planting are covered. The season will start with early spring bulbs, through narcissi and tulips to early summer displays of annuals and perennials. As well as practical tips and ideas there will be lots of inspiration from photographs of Troy's pots from Sissinghurst and Iford Manor where he has worked, as well as other gardens.
Rental for 30 days is, mostly, $15, £12 or €13 approx) through the Vimeo on Demand service. This requires that you sign up to Vimeo, but this is an absolutely minimal inconvenience (and they won’t bother you with marketing). Video length is usually around an hour.
The Director of Horticulture at the renowned Garden in the Woods, outside Boston, argues that gardens must provide ecological resources and functionality as well as aesthetics. He discusses a range of issues in plant selection, native v. non-native and genetic diversity as opposed to cultivars. This is a key issue in creating plantings with genuine ecological functioning.
Rental for 30 days is, mostly, $15, £12 or €13 approx) through the Vimeo on Demand service. This requires that you sign up to Vimeo, but this is an absolutely minimal inconvenience (and they won’t bother you with marketing). Video length is usually around an hour.
Suffolk is one of the driest counties in the UK yet for a large part of the year, Tom’s woodland is underwater.
The experimental dry meadow at West Dean in Sussex, made by Tom Brown and his team is still in its early stages, but looks likes it going to be a great success.
Cow parsley, Queen Anne's lace, hemlock and many many more.
One of Britain's leading perennial nursery people introduces us to one of the most important perennial genera.
Spring-flowering woodland plants are amongst the choicest of garden plants.
The four semi-arid, continental climate regions with a Steppe climate harbor an enormous proportion of the world’s plant species.
One of Spain’s leading garden designers 'break the moulds’ with traditional formality
Marian Boswall is an experienced landscape architect who has spent a lifetime exploring a sustainable approach to her work that combines the practical and the spiritual.
At the heart of the fantastical imaginative garden of Chanticleer is the gravel garden, cared for Lisa Roper
Gwendolyn van Paasschen explores the legacy of our most influential garden designer.
One of our leading experts on woody plants, former Director of RHS Horticulture, Jim Gardiner, talks about selecting shrubs.
Shropshire nurseryman Jack introduces us to reliably long-lived violas.
Holder of the British national Aster collection and the third generation of her family to run a nursery.
David Mattern of Chanticleer looks at various ways of integrating vegetable growing into the decorative garden.
Dan Hinkley, the renowned Washington State plantsman, describes the creation of his second great garden, Windcliff,
Join Benjamin Pope for the winter session of his series ‘Embracing the Seasons’.
Adam Shepherd, Britain's leading living wall builder explains his craft
Tom is in conversation with Noel about the perennials he uses.
In gardens and public spaces the sustainability of planting design is ever more important.
What happens once a design has been approved by the client?
The Dutch garden designer talks about the use of woody plants in and around perennial gardens to create structure, framing, screening and helping borrow landscapes.
Dan Pearson and Midori Shintani talk about their new book Tokachi Millennium Forest
A Guide to growing Perennials for Cut Flowers
The art of setting out perennials in larger planting schemes by the world's leading garden and planting designer.
Peter Korn - 'Difficult' Conditions – Think Positive
Professor Nigel Dunnett of the renowned Department of Landscape at the University of Sheffield outlines his vision of naturalistic planting for urban areas.
Although flowering grasses are well-known to gardeners, the evergreen grasses and their allies such as sedges and woodrushes are less well known.
Imogen Checketts and Kate Dumbleton run a planting design business near Carcassonne in South-West France.
Leading Dutch garden photographer explains how to make the most of an everyday item
Often overlooked by landscape architects, landscape management is as crucial as the design process for a project to be successful.
Make more of garden visiting this year, through this webinar led by Katy Merrington, Cultural Gardener at The Hepworth Wakefield.
The Dutch garden designer and bulb expert makes a presentation which features
Harald Sauer's work as a planting designer and public greenspace manager is attracting plenty of attention in Germany.
Hanna Packer, an experienced creator of gardens in her own right, is one of those trusted by Piet Oudolf to help in the implementation of his plans in New York and the US North East.
Darren is a gardener who specialises in topiary and pruning. He travels all round the UK and USA shaping shrubs and hedges with his shiny shears.
Ecology based Maintenance Regimes for Perennial Style Plantings, with Cassian Schmidt
Renowned Dutch designer Carolien Barkman has years of experience of creating gardens in the dense urban environment of The Netherlands.
We’re all familiar with those low ground-covering Epimediums, that usefully make a bid for world domination in dry shade.
Tom Coward, Head Gardener at Gravetye Manor, the home of the influential and sometimes controversial garden writer during the early 20th century shows around the garden and discusses Robinson's continued influence
This talk takes a wide ranging look at the genus Erythronium in cultivation covering nearly all the known species as well as some of the garden hybrids.
Peonies are among the finest but also the most exuberant flowers in the garden, and they are not so easy to combine with other perennials.
Chris talks about the unique character, philosophy and working methods of this very special Pennsylvania garden.
Natural pools offer wildlife-friendly, year-round wild swimming
Elliott, is Head Gardener for a Tom Stuart-Smith designed garden in Scotland.
Leading garden photographer shares his extensive knowledge
A look at composing, managing and caring for meadows, meadow plantings and flowering lawns within garden settings.
The potential of creating diverse plant communities and important habitats by freeing yourself from the yoke of top soil are huge.
Roger Parsons covers sowing, supporting, tying in, and all the other tricks of the trade to grow the of this classic summer flower.
Chris Lane on Hamamelis - A Marriage made in heaven - What did Arnold promise?
Dan has created gardens for two Maggie’s cancer caring centeres.
The work of this towering figure of 20th century Dutch garden and landscape design (1904-1999) is not well-known outside the country.
For horticulturist and Head Gardener Benjamin Pope, the biggest joy of gardening comes with the changing of the seasons and passing of time.
Dan Benarcik has spent the last 28 years creating and implementing seasonal displays within courtyard gardens at Chanticleer. His focus has long been using tropical and non hardy plants with a strong emphasis on dynamic design, creative container combinations and innovative display. He believes that “we each have uniquely different approaches to design and aesthetics within our gardens. Each of us having a set of fundamental principals that form the basis of our creative personality. I would like to share with five principals of design within the garden at Chanticleer that I rely on.
Rental for 30 days is $15 (£11-£12, €13-€14) through the Vimeo on Demand service. This requires that you sign up to Vimeo, but this is an absolutely minimal inconvenience (and they won’t bother you with marketing). Video length is usually around an hour.
How to use tall perennials, grasses and annuals in the modern garden to create an immersive feel. .