A comprehensive overview of Clematis and how to care for them, particularly pruning regimes.
Matt is Head of Horticulture at London Royal Parks, and was formerly Curator of RHS Wisley.
“This talk is rooted in both my own uncomfortable professional position and the problems I see all around me in designed landscapes. I think design is really important, I work as a planting designer, I have taught landscape architecture students design for many years but, I think design is given too much weight in landscape development, and management too little. Or, at the very least, we invest too little in management. I am not sure there can be more sustainable landscapes without addressing this conundrum?”
Rental for 30 days is, mostly, $15, £12 or €13 approx) through the Vimeo on Demand service. This requires that you sign up to Vimeo, but this is an absolutely minimal inconvenience (and they won’t bother you with marketing). Video length is usually around an hour.
Euphorbia is a much loved genus amongst gardeners and designers.
Jack Aldridge, who manages Oakwood, the historic William Robinson inspired heart of RHS Wisley
Cow parsley, Queen Anne's lace, hemlock and many many more.
We’re all familiar with those low ground-covering Epimediums, that usefully make a bid for world domination in dry shade.
One of Britain's leading perennial nursery people introduces us to one of the most important perennial genera.
Roger Parsons covers sowing, supporting, tying in, and all the other tricks of the trade to grow the of this classic summer flower.
Spring-flowering woodland plants are amongst the choicest of garden plants.
The four semi-arid, continental climate regions with a Steppe climate harbor an enormous proportion of the world’s plant species.
One of our leading experts on woody plants, former Director of RHS Horticulture, Jim Gardiner, talks about selecting shrubs.
Shropshire nurseryman Jack introduces us to reliably long-lived violas.
How to use tall perennials, grasses and annuals in the modern garden to create an immersive feel. .
Holder of the British national Aster collection and the third generation of her family to run a nursery.
Dan Pearson and Midori Shintani talk about their new book Tokachi Millennium Forest
Shade tolerance, lush foliage and unusual textures drew Richie Steffen, co-author and co-photographer of the Plant Lovers Guide to Ferns.
A Guide to growing Perennials for Cut Flowers
Although flowering grasses are well-known to gardeners, the evergreen grasses and their allies such as sedges and woodrushes are less well known.
This talk takes a wide ranging look at the genus Erythronium in cultivation covering nearly all the known species as well as some of the garden hybrids.
Chris Lane on Hamamelis - A Marriage made in heaven - What did Arnold promise?