Julia Crawford has written the first book in English on the work of Mien Ruys
Darryl Moore, Director of Cityscapes will explore how to develop creative approaches towards greening the city.
Claire Greenslade (Head Gardener) and Tim Martin (creative director) of Hestercombe Garden look at the crossover between art and landscape.
An experienced landscape architect who has worked in many challenging situations takes us on a detailed look at how to plan coastal gardens.
Winter - A season for 'Putting the Garden to Bed'? Not at all, winter is a season for doing and for enjoying.
Julie Moir Messervy has always sought to create landscapes that resonate with beauty.
Annie explores how garden designers can increase the creativity in their working practice.
For horticulturist and Head Gardener Benjamin Pope, the biggest joy of gardening comes with the changing of the seasons and passing of time.
Dan Benarcik has spent the last 28 years creating and implementing seasonal displays within courtyard gardens at Chanticleer. His focus has long been using tropical and non hardy plants with a strong emphasis on dynamic design, creative container combinations and innovative display. He believes that “we each have uniquely different approaches to design and aesthetics within our gardens. Each of us having a set of fundamental principals that form the basis of our creative personality. I would like to share with five principals of design within the garden at Chanticleer that I rely on.
Rental for 30 days is $15 (£11-£12, €13-€14) through the Vimeo on Demand service. This requires that you sign up to Vimeo, but this is an absolutely minimal inconvenience (and they won’t bother you with marketing). Video length is usually around an hour.
Troy Scott-Smith, head gardener at Iford Manor was previously the head gardener at Sissinghurst Castle, the home of Vita Sackville-West
One of Spain’s leading garden designers 'break the moulds’ with traditional formality
The work of this towering figure of 20th century Dutch garden and landscape design (1904-1999) is not well-known outside the country.
Marian Boswall is an experienced landscape architect who has spent a lifetime exploring a sustainable approach to her work that combines the practical and the spiritual.
Gwendolyn van Paasschen explores the legacy of our most influential garden designer.
David Mattern of Chanticleer looks at various ways of integrating vegetable growing into the decorative garden.
Dan has created gardens for two Maggie’s cancer caring centeres.
What happens once a design has been approved by the client?
The Dutch garden designer talks about the use of woody plants in and around perennial gardens to create structure, framing, screening and helping borrow landscapes.
The art of setting out perennials in larger planting schemes by the world's leading garden and planting designer.
Professor Nigel Dunnett of the renowned Department of Landscape at the University of Sheffield outlines his vision of naturalistic planting for urban areas.
The Dutch garden designer and bulb expert makes a presentation which features
Darren is a gardener who specialises in topiary and pruning. He travels all round the UK and USA shaping shrubs and hedges with his shiny shears.
Renowned Dutch designer Carolien Barkman has years of experience of creating gardens in the dense urban environment of The Netherlands.