
Sid Hill - Ecological planting goes edible!

Artisan landscaper Sid Hill has taken the lessons of ecological planting design and is trying to apply them to edible landscapes, such as forest gardens and his idea of the edible meadow. This is a thought-provoking presentation from a daring and inspiring innovator. Sid talks to us from his home in St.Ives, Cornwall. www.sidhillecogardens.com JOIN US LIVE! Thursdays at 18.00 London time with log-in: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83781125288 DONATE This is a pro bono broadcast for the global garden community - we appreciate donations - please see: www.gardenmasterclass.org/home-page/tgc FIND OUT MORE ABOUT WHAT WE DO, and perhaps sign up for our newsletter www.gardenmasterclass.org


Marian Boswall - garden design in tune with the land


Colm O'Driscoll of Dublin's Airfield Estate