Chris Fehlhaber – Winter – A Garden's Backbone

The first of a four part seasonal series based on the wonderful gardens of Chanticleer, Chris talks about the unique character, philosophy and working methods of this very special Pennsylvania garden. He goes on to discuss the various methods the staff have for protected tender plants over the winter, the winter workload caring for plants, containers and furniture. He moves on to talk about the beauty of the garden in winter: silhouettes, plant shapes, bark, evergreens, seedbeds and much more.

Rent video here

Rental for 30 days is $15 (£11-£12, €13-€14) through the Vimeo on Demand service. This requires that you sign up to Vimeo, but this is an absolutely minimal inconvenience (and they won’t bother you with marketing). Video length is usually around an hour.


Cassian Schmidt - Peonies in wild company