Tom Stuart-Smith – Perennials that Perform

Tom is in conversation with Noel about the perennials he uses, the discussion focussing on what makes a really good performer. Tom goes on to talk about the Plant Library project he has started at his garden at Serge Hill, a remarkably innovative collection which will enable him and his team to evaluate plant performance over the years. They end up fielding questions about a wide range of plants from the audience.

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Rental for 30 days is $15 (£11-£12, €13-€14) through the Vimeo on Demand service. This requires that you sign up to Vimeo, but this is an absolutely minimal inconvenience (and they won’t bother you with marketing). Video length is usually around an hour.


Dan Hinkley Plants his second garden - Windcliff


Tom Stuart-Smith – The Longevity of Plantings