Troy Scott-Smith on Spring and Summer Containers

Troy discusses the basics of pot selection, compost and placement of pots and containers in the garden for best effect through to combining plants for maximum impact. Aftercare such as dead heading, staking, feeding, successional planting are covered. The season will start with early spring bulbs, through narcissi and tulips to early summer displays of annuals and perennials. As well as practical tips and ideas there will be lots of inspiration from photographs of Troy's pots from Sissinghurst and Iford Manor where he has worked, as well as other gardens.

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Rental for 30 days is, mostly, $15, £12 or €13 approx) through the Vimeo on Demand service. This requires that you sign up to Vimeo, but this is an absolutely minimal inconvenience (and they won’t bother you with marketing). Video length is usually around an hour.


Dan Benarcik - Five design principles for seasonal planting at Chanticleer


Tom Brown – making a Dry Meadow Garden