Katy Merrington - Make the most of Garden Visiting

Make more of garden visiting this year, through this webinar led by Katy Merrington, Cultural Gardener at The Hepworth Wakefield. Over the last few months Katy has been interviewing innovative plants-people, gardeners, writers and designers to collect practical techniques that you can employ on garden visits, so you get more than just tea and cake from your day out. She sharea creative strategies to help you tune in to detail, unravel a garden's atmosphere, take home new inspiration and learn from your visit.

Rent video here

Rental for 30 days is $15 (£11-£12, €13-€14) through the Vimeo on Demand service. This requires that you sign up to Vimeo, but this is an absolutely minimal inconvenience (and they won’t bother you with marketing). Video length is usually around an hour.


Keenan Porter on the Dutch Heemparks


Kicking the habit - Designing without topsoil with John Little