Using grasses and perennials in the modern garden

Spending the day with the Britain’s leading authority on ornamental grasses this workshop explored the use of grasses and perennials in the modern garden to provide stunning designs, easy maintenance and hugely enjoyable green spaces. This event saw him expand upon his specialism to include the major role that perennials can play in the garden: their vivid colour and vital food for pollinating insects, providing the perfect foil to the tactile nature, movement and lithe beauty of grasses. This day provides practical advice and inspiration as participants came to understand how grasses and perennials can form a near perfect partnership.

Recorded at the Welsh National Botanic Gardens September 2021

$15 - or equivalent at current exchange rate (£10-£11 UK, €12-€13) plus sales tax if charged. Members get 30% off with their discount code.


Plants First ! with Sarah Price


Designing within the Historic Landscape