Plants First ! with Sarah Price

We’re told this is wonderful!

A day looking at how plants grow in the wild and how our observations can work towards how to put plants together in the garden. Sarah Price's training in Fine Art leads her to take a very different view to creating gardens to many other designers, an approach which she shares with us through presentations and some creative exercises. Participants were taken out to into the garden and encouraged to analyse plant relationships through observation. Some basic drawing exercises followed to encourage participants to appreciate plant form and an exercise with cut-outs to create a 'virtual garden' in the classroom.

Recorded at the Horniman Museum, London, October 2021.

$15 - or equivalent at current exchange rate (£10-£11 UK, €12-€13) plus sales tax if charged. Members get 30% off with their discount code.


Listening to the land - Marian Boswall and Caroline Jackson


Using grasses and perennials in the modern garden Item - Neil Lucas