Dan Pearson - Gardens for Life

Dan has created gardens for two Maggie’s cancer caring centres, the first at the Hammersmith Hospital, London, designed by Rogers Stirk Harbour opened in 2009, the second, and the largest centre in the country, at The Christie Hospital, Manchester was designed by Foster & Partners, and opened in 2016. In this talk Dan will discuss the importance of the client brief and their belief that gardens are an integral part of the healing and recovery process.

Rent video here

Rental for 30 days is $15 (£11-£12, €13-€14) through the Vimeo on Demand service. This requires that you sign up to Vimeo, but this is an absolutely minimal inconvenience (and they won’t bother you with marketing). Video length is usually around an hour.


David Mattern - Blurring the Boundaries


Dan Hinkley Plants his second garden - Windcliff